Seat Installation Check
Child Harness Check
Most babies outgrow their infant bucket seat before they are ready to move to stage 2 (forward facing). When your child outgrows the maximum height or weight of his/her infant seat, you will likely require a convertible rear-facing seat until your child is ready to face forward. Many seats can rear face a child up to 18kg (40lbs) or more.
When is My Child Ready for Stage 2?
For their safety, your child should stay rear-facing as long as possible. Best practice is to remain rear facing to the limits of the seat. (CPSAC, 2015)
Is My Child Ready for Stage 2?
For their safety, your child should stay rear-facing as long as possible. Best practice is to remain rear facing to the limits of the seat. (CPSAC, 2015)
Seat Installation Check
Child Harness Check
When is My Child Ready for Stage 3?
Once forward facing, best practice is to remain harnessed to the limits of the seat, and until at least 40lbs and developmentally ready to move to a booster. (CPSAC, 2015)
The law requires booster seats for children who have outgrown a child car seat but are too small for the adult seat belt. If a child has outgrown a harnessed seat by weight or height but is not 18kg (40lbs) and developmentally ready for a booster, look for a taller, higher-weight harnessed seat. A booster should be used until your child fits the seat belt safely.
Is your child booster ready?
Ontario law states that a child must be in a harnessed seat until they weigh at least 18 kg (40 lbs). However, they may not be developmentally ready for a booster seat at that weight. This means sitting upright, even when sleeping, and not playing with the seat belt. Most children are ready for a booster by age five or six. Boosters in Canada are available for children up to 54 kg (120 lbs) and 160 cm (63”).
Most children will move from a harnessed seat to a high back booster. This provides belt guides for a better fit and head support while sleeping. Depending on the booster seat, a vehicle head restraint may also be required.
Backless boosters are for older children who do not need the belt guides or have excellent body control. Vehicle head restraints are required, with head support to at least the tops of the child’s ears.
For both high and low back boosters, both a lap and shoulder belt are required—never a lap belt only. The lap belt must be low and flat across the thighs, never on the belly. The shoulder belt should be flat across the collarbone, not against the neck or falling off the shoulder.
Booster Installation Check
Child Seat Belt Check
Is My Child Ready for Stage 4?
Best practice is to keep your child in a booster until the seat belt fits well without it. This generally occurs once a child is 4'9” tall and around age 11.
The ‘5-Step Test’ is an indicator that your child is ready for the belt-only. The test should be done in every seating position of each car, as it can be different.
Is My Child Ready for Stage 4?
A seat belt alone can be used when children are tall enough for it to be positioned correctly and can use it properly. In Ontario, the child must be over the age of 8 years or weigh more than 36kg (80lbs) or is taller than 145cm (4’ 9”). However, height is a very important factor for maximizing the effectiveness of a seat belt, and most children don't reach this height until at least age 11.
Child Seat Belt Check
Your child must sit with his/her feet on the floor, knees bent comfortably at the edge of the vehicle seat and back straight against the seat back 100% of the time.