SEATS for Kids would like to invite local businesses to purchase space in a SWAG bag that will be distributed to all families that attend our car seat safety events. The funds that you provide for this distribution service will allow us to see many more families in our communities, extend our services and provide much needed support to vulnerable children. It will allow you to advertise your business to a captive audience and targeted group of new consumers entering a new stage of life.  We will ensure that your product/card/coupon will be included in a "SWAG BAG" we distribute to the families who attend our clinics in either Kingston or Ottawa, whichever you indicate, for the 2021 calender year.

I understand that I am expected to provide SEATS for Kids 1000 pamphlets/leaflets/coupons to be distributed at Ottawa clinics during 2020. I also agree to provide SEATS for Kids $100.00 for this distribution service.


Thank you so much for your support!  Please mail or drop off your product as soon as you are able to... 


SEATS for Kids
1372 Chicory Place
Ottawa ON
I understand that I am expected to provide SEATS for Kids 250 pamphlets/leaflets/coupons to be distributed at Kingston clinics during 2020. I also agree to provide SEATS for Kids $50.00 for this distribution service.


Thank you so much for your support!  Please mail or drop off your product as soon as you are able to... 
SEATS for Kids
965 Clearfield Cres
Kingston ON
If you have any questions for us, please let me know! Its so wonderful to work with you!
Deanna Lindsay
SEATS for Kids Executive Director