Car Seat Inspection Clinic- May 13th, 2023

Clinic date and time: 
Saturday, May 13, 2023 - 13:00 to 16:00

By completing this form, you are registering for the car seat inspection clinic for the date, time and location listed below.

When your registration is complete, you will be taken to a confirmation page and be sent a confirmation email. If this does not happen please check the page for errors and resubmit. If you have problems contact us at Over the next few days we will review your submission and assign you an appointment time. Appointments are normally confirmed within 24 hours of the closing of registration. When an appointment time has been set we will send you an email with your confirmed time and post it t to the appointments page.

Used Car Seats Policy

SEATS for Kids will not install a car seat that is missing stickers, damaged, recalled or expired. We never recommend using a used car seat, and it is possible that if you attend with a used seat, that we will be unable to assist you. If the seat is in excellent condition, and you know the history and it is not damaged or expired, and it fits your child and your vehicle, we would be happy to assist you. If you are unsure, please email us!

SEATS for Kids welcomes everyone to our events and clinics and we strive to do our very best to ensure your child leaves safely.  Please be advised that we cannot take any responsibility or liability for damages to your property or child while you are in attendance at our event.  Should damage or injury occur, please ask to speak to a supervising instructor or email us at

PLEASE Note: There are NO DONATIONS required for this clinic!!! Fully sponsored by the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. 



39 Meadow drive
K1K1X0 Deseronto , ON
Ontario CA